
    August 02, 2022



    Can this year get even worse? “Yes,” say online searches

    For many people, acne is an issue dealt with during a few years as teenagers, but those with sensitive skin know very well that acne-free skin can be elusive.

     During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries and states have passed laws mandating the use of face masks in most public places. As a result, countless people around the world quickly started experiencing blemishes, inflammation, and clogged pores. As they rushed to social media and search engines to find solutions to their conditions, “Maskne” soon became the rising star of the most searched beauty terms, going quickly from nothing to thousands.

     Acne typically occurs when skin cell turnover does not occur the way they should, and dead cells end up obstructing pores, creating the right conditions for acne bacteria to thrive and proliferate, ultimately leading to skin inflammation. The hot and humid environment behind face masks creates an even more ideal climate for these bacteria to grow. Also, the constant rubbing of masks against the skin further contributes to weakening its natural barrier, making the skin more prone to irritation and inflammation.

    Here at Private Label Skincare Florida, we are on a daily research train, to find the best possible way to combat these difficulties and find the correct regimen and develop products to handle these concerns of the end-users, or your clients.



    To educate your clients, have them wash with a perfectly pH balanced wash, such as one of our incredible wash’s offered by us. There are many that would be great, best would be an acid wash, which also removes dead skin like our glycolic face wash. Tea Tree is one of the best antibacterial ingredients, which has been around for many years.  Also, Manuka Honey, which is hard to get right now, but effective for this Maskne breakout. 

    Next, follow with one of our great toners, and one of our light moisturizing creams with healing properties, Let’s make you your own tea tree toner, and cream, how about that? 


    The "I've got you covered" approach

    If this short regimen is still too complex for your client’s taste, our formulators can create a Dual Action Clear Skin Toner that combines cleansing properties with antibacterial ingredients,  Salicylic Acid, and many other incredible ingredients for a soothing and restoring pH, are waiting for you. 


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