
    About Us

    Located in sunny Clearwater Florida, Private Label Skincare Florida is a leading cosmetic manufacturing facility that specializes in truly unique cosmetic formulas. If you are looking to launch your own cosmetic brand, you have come to the right place!

    Founded in 2011 by Chris and Gayle Estey, Private Label Skincare Florida began as a small startup company that has since rapidly expanded into a new, state of the art 65,000 sq/ft facility that is equipped to service numerous customers nationwide with all things cosmetics.

    Over the years, our team has developed relationships with providers of unique ingredients from around the world to bring many fresh ingredient options so that you can stand out from the competition.

    Our team of experts have a combined 60 years experience in the cosmetics industry, so we know what it takes to formulate, design, and launch a successful cosmetic brand from scratch.

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