Rosewater is scented water with oils made with rose petals while rose water hydrosol is the aromatic water that remains after steam-distilling of roses. It is a longer process and one that is part of making rose oil.
Rosewater is water infused with the essential oil of roses. In contrast, rose hydrosol is the aromatic water that remains after steam-distilling of roses. In fact, rose hydrosol is a co-product of the manufacture of rose essential oil.
Furthermore, rose water has cosmetic, culinary, medicinal, and religious uses while rose hydrosol mainly has cosmetic uses.
Moreover, rose water is less expensive than rose hydrosol.
Here at Private Label skincare Florida, we do not use fragrance of any kind, unless it is a request of one of our clients. We prefer the more natural approach to make pleasant smelling products. Using rose essential oil or hydrosol is our choice for rose scent.
Rosewater has been used for thousands of years, including in the Middle Ages. It’s thought to have originated in what is now Iran. It’s been used traditionally in both beauty products and food and drink products. It also comes with plenty of potential health benefits, including the following.
1. Helps soothe skin irritation
One of the greatest benefits of rose water is its strong anti-inflammatory properties. It works inside and out!
2. Soothes sore throats
Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for sore throats, but you may want to try rose water as well. While research is needed to prove its effectiveness, there’s strong anecdotal evidence to support it and very little risk in trying it.
3. Reduces skin redness
The anti-inflammatory properties can reduce redness and puffiness. Rosewater has been used as a beauty product for thousands of years, so it’s no surprise that it can improve your complexion and reduce skin redness. The antibacterial properties may help reduce acne
4. Helps prevent and treats infections
Rosewater has powerful antiseptic properties, which can prevent and treat infections. Because of this, rose water is often included in a variety of natural and medicinal treatments. Even eye drops!
5. Contains antioxidants
Rose petals and rose oil contain a number of powerful antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage. One study found that these antioxidants had potential lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects. This provides powerful cell protection as a result.
6. Heals cuts, scars, and burns
Rosewater has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help wounds heal faster. These properties can help clean and fight off infection of cuts and burns. They can also help cuts, burns, and even scars heal faster.
7. Enhances mood
Rosewater can have strong antidepressant and antianxiety properties. It was researched and found that the extract of rose petals can relax the central nervous system in mice. This resulted in antidepressant and antianxiety effects.
8. Relieves headaches
Rosewater and rose essential oil are commonly used in aromatherapy to help relieve headaches. This may be due to the de-stressing effects discussed in the section above. Another found that a cloth soaked in rose water and place on the forehead help with a headache.
9. Has anti-aging properties
Rosewater is often found in beauty products aimed to reduce wrinkles. That’s because it may actually have anti-aging effects. In addition to soothing irritated skin, it may reduce the appearance of wrinkles when applied topically. Also adding rosewater can help with dull dry skin.
Potential risks
Rosewater is considered safe. There are no known risks for the general population to use it either topically or by ingesting it. The only exception is if you are allergic to the substance.
Here at Private Label Skincare Florida are happy to give you either you desire, either rose water, or hydrosol. Be aware, that the cost is much higher in hydrosol than rose water.