
    August 02, 2022

    Take Charge! Seize the day! Don’t let this Golden Opportunity pass you by!

    Take Charge! Seize the day! Don’t let this Golden Opportunity pass you by!

    This coronavirus pandemic may have nearly shut down your business, as consumers can no longer get your products in a timely manner from your retailers, or from other online sources you are currently using.  There are many other opportunities for those brave and savvy enough to seize them.

     Wondering how to find opportunities? Where to focus your marketing during this trying time?

     Online is a great place to start.  

    Consumers’ shopping habits have changed since the COVID shutdown of many businesses. Consumers have been forced to try to get their products online, but have found many weeks of wait. There is research that shows a 29% increase in online shopping of personal care products since the shutdown.   Finding more ways to increase your digital presence and experience is a worthy investment for both the present and post-pandemic selling.

    As you may know already, we here at Private Label Skincare Florida have been compounding 3 shifts daily to keep the Best Defense Aloe hand cleaner and Aloe Gel (No Alcohol) going for our clients!  It worked, and we are taking a great win!

    Not only are online sales up 91% over the same time period last year, but the need for direct online fulfillment through your web sites has become necessary due to the overwhelming amount of orders flooding into fulfillment centers across the US. Amazon has temporarily decided to stop accepting new non-essential products into its warehouses, causing an unpleasant customer experience. Out-of-stock items, longer-than-usual shipping times, and price gouging are running rampant across many big-name retailers.

    Our brands have been being fulfilled in-house, which has created quite a situation in our warehouse, but we have overcome!!!

    Consumers have had to search to find the products they are looking for, giving new brands with direct e-commerce the time to shine with their full stocks and quick turn time. Amazon is overwhelmed and will likely remain so for at least a few more months, which can be a huge benefit for your brand.

    Paid Search and Paid Social

    Paid search and paid social are currently the fastest way to capture what people are looking for and bring them directly to your website.

    While you may not want to pay the extra price for advertising due to your lowered sales volume, we highly advocate you rethink this idea, as it can bring you immediate return for your dollar spent.

    Once users click and are directed to your site, make sure your products are easy to find, the e-commerce experience is set up to convert sales and encourage visitors to join your mailing list. This gives you an opportunity to create repeat customers.

    Fulfill Amazon Orders on Your Own 

    Even though Amazon is overwhelmed in its fulfillment centers, you can still take advantage of its platform by choosing the fulfill by merchant (FBM) option. Choosing FBM over FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) allows you to complete and ship orders on your own (also known as third-party shipping), which can help improve shipping times that are currently backed up on the site.

    If you decide to make the switch from FBA to FBM, you must be ready with enough manpower to ship your orders. Also, you need to make sure that your customers know that you are taking all precautions necessary to prevent any further spared of the virus.

    You may also consider your own subscription service to Incentivize customer Loyalty

    Come up with some incentives that will urge your customers to sign up and continue to buy.

     Prepare Some Great Product Offers

    Consider the need to take charge of these opportunities, promoting larger packages and bulk order discounts, that encourage people to buy bulk. 

    Make Mothers Day, and other holiday offers, add gift bags, and the like.

    These are opportunities to spread some much-needed joy in this time of seclusion.

    How about a special Bag for Healthcare workers, and other public service people that could use some special treatment.

    Shipping precautions will stand out, and customers will appreciate safe unpacking tips with a sticker or insert.

    Your brand can set a more positive tone. Consumers will gravitate toward whimsical and fun products that will bring them joy. 

    Let’s Talk About Financing!

    There are now many Government grants available to those who will employ more people, and help the community.

    New Day, New Opportunity

    Please call product development here at Private Label Skincare Florida to add one of our “clean hands” natural products to your line, and Flourish and Prosper my friends. Seize the Day, we are ready t deliver!!!!     


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