
    August 15, 2022

     The Science of Choosing the Best Neck and Décolleté Cream

     The Science of Choosing the Best Neck and Décolleté Cream

    Now… you're interested in choosing the best neck cream, but when you were in your 20s my guess is that the last thing you were concerned about in your quest to be as beautiful as possible was the appearance of your neck.  You were probably even less concerned with how your neck would age over time.  The trap of youth… you don’t appreciate it while you have it!  Don’t feel bad though, mostly all women regret this and are looking for ways to improve the skin on their necks.

    Here It Is – The Best Advice You Will Ever Read About Choosing a Neck Cream

    Sit, back, relax and soak in every word as we are going to teach you exactly how to care for and turn back the hands of time on that pesky neglected part of your body. 

    Why the Sudden Interest in The Neck?

    As we women enter our 40’s anti-aging becomes a big thing.   I don’t know about you but for us, those neck wrinkles are the first thing you see when you look in the mirror each morning...and they don't get any more pleasant the longer you look at them. Low-cut tops are consigned to the back of your closet for the foreseeable future as they simply induce fear of exposing this embarrassing lapse in care that we women have committed earlier in our lives. The typical advice on all the anti-aging blogs is that a nightly routine of applying a skin cream to your face and neck is the best way to slow the signs of aging.  Here's the thing: That advice is wrong, and we'll explain why and more importantly what you can do about your neck wrinkles! 

    Why Do Neck Creams Even Exist?

    As the name suggests these creams are designed to care specifically for the skin on your neck, undoing years or decades of environmental or lifestyle abuse. They can't reverse the hands of time, but they help set them back a bit by smoothing out wrinkles, fine lines, and improve the overall elasticity of your skin.

    Up to quite recently most dermatologists would advise female patients to simply treat their entire upper body the same way when it came to moisturization and nourishment of the skin.  That was a mistake because the same types of creams that work well to moisturize your face don’t work nearly as well on your neck. In fact, they can cause more issues than they fix.

    Now, however, the same dermatologists recognize that although your neck is made of the same skin as the rest of your body there are some key differences in its composition and volume that require a cream dedicated exclusively to caring for that part of your body.  That’s why specific neck creams exist today.  So, the first key point for you to truly understand is this;

    Stop using general skin creams on your neck!  Only use a neck cream on your neck.

    It's important to remember that even the most expensive neck cream available today - and some of them cost several hundred dollars for a tiny jar - simply cannot give you the neck skin of an 18-year-old. What they can do is revitalize your skin, adding enhanced skin tone and elasticity, helping to increase cellular division and tissue regeneration.  They offer your skin a second chance, but they're not capable of transporting it back in time so keep that in mind no matter what product(s) you choose to use.  A realistic expectation is key.

    Neck creams are most popular with women in their early to late 40's because that's the first time in a woman's life where aging skin becomes apparent in a way that can't be ignored. A high-quality neck cream should be a part of your daily skincare regimen if you want the best possible results.

    It's also important to point out that you should manage your expectations too - even the very best neck cream on the planet cannot tighten up folds of loose skin. So, if you currently suffer from "crepe neck" then please understand that skin creams will provide a visible improvement, but not in the same way cosmetic surgery might.

    Before we go any further it's important to understand the anatomy of the neck to understand why the best neck creams work better than some of the others do.  Don’t fall for the marketing lies out there, just take a moment to read about the neck and you’ll be much better informed to ensure you pick the right neck cream.


    The Basic Anatomy of Your Neck

    Your neck is a complex and critical part of your body.  Obviously, it has many functions but for our purposes of wanting to make it look young again it’s important to understand a few basic things about its anatomy.  Understanding these things will help you to keep this age tattle tale in check and make it look its very best!

    There are three primary layers that make up your neck, they are;

    o   Skin

    o   Superficial Fascia

    o   Deep Cervical Fascia

    The skin at the front of your neck is looser and thinner than the skin at the back of your neck. The reason for this is that your neck needs to pivot and rotate in multiple directions on a day-to-day basis, so a loose layer of skin facilitates that. You can’t rotate your neck 360 degrees so therefore the skin at the back of the neck doesn’t need to be as “stretchy” so it’s not.  Your neck skin has oil glands, but not as many as on your face, which is why it can be more difficult to keep it moisturized.

    Superficial Fascia

    Superficial fascia is the layer of your neck directly beneath your skin and is mostly made of fatty and connective tissues. The Superficial Fascia also contains nerves, veins, lymph nodes and a thin layer of muscle called the platysma.  Basically, this is what your skin is draped over and it can be the source of neck pain if you’ve ever ‘tweaked’ or injured your neck.  Doing some simple neck exercises to keep this fascia toned and tight will help your neck look and feel great.  Remember, this is immediately below your skin so if you have any looseness here it will impact your skin.  Please make sure to be extremely cautious as you do not want to injure yourself as neck pain can be a chronic problematic condition.  Do your best to do some gentle neck exercises to keep this part of your neck looking good.

    Deep Cervical Fascia

    Below the superficial fascia and at the core of your neck is what’s called the deep cervical fascia, comprised of three individual layers: the external, middle and internal. This part of your neck also contains your salivary glands, and lots of other muscles with complicated Latin names that will add nothing to your understanding of proper skincare for this part of your body but it’s important that you know it’s there :-) If you simply keep in mind that your skin is draped over the superficial fascia and then the deep cervical fascia is beneath that  and that’s all the important anatomical stuff (inside this deep cervical fascia) you’ll have a good understanding of the beast you are trying to tame.  When doing neck exercises, focus on the part just beneath your skin by flexing it as you do the exercises.

    Your Body Versus Your Skin – Who Will Win?

    It's a sad fact of life but, your body produces less collagen and elastin as you age, which is why your skin loses its elasticity.  Didn’t the body get the memo?  It’s supposed to work with us, not against us, but that is just not realistic…. This combined with the fact that the layer of skin around your neck is thinner than the skin on your face is one of the many reasons why the skin on your neck can age at a completely different rate than the rest of your body.

    It's hard to hide your neck from public view, and when you do it often involves wearing some kind of neck scarf, or turtle neck which only draws more attention that you're trying to hide the fact that your body is aging in a way that isn't aesthetically pleasing to you.   Of course, sometimes you can pull off that stylish scarf thing, but you can’t do that every day, right?

    Another huge factor in the aging process of your skin is how much and how often it's been exposed to the sun. Most women (men too but we don’t care about them right now) will quite happily apply sunscreen to their face, shoulders and arms, completely ignoring their neck in the process (why?).

    Exposing unprotected skin to intense sunlight doesn't just cause age spots but can cause cellular damage too. The Sun emits huge amounts of radiation in the form of UV rays, and these can penetrate deep into your skin to cause lasting damage, and, in extreme cases, skin cancer. Dermatologists refer to this as "photo-aging".

    Female smokers are also doing their body a massive disservice because smoking not only speeds up the aging process of your internal and external organs, but it also leeches oxygen from your blood as well as artificially dehydrating your skin. Smoking is bad for your skin, period. So, if you're a smoker you need to quit because your habit will interfere with the positive results possible with an advanced ‘anti-wrinkle’ neck cream.

    Last, but by no means least, is gravity. The continual downward force it exerts on your body accelerates as you get older. The lack of elasticity in your skin is then impacted by gravity literally drawing your skin downwards, causing it to sag.  

    Now that we have thoroughly depressed you let’s try to bring some hope and happiness back into this discussion!  There are some remarkable products on the market that can help with all of this.  But to make sure you know which are the good ones, let’s talk about what the actual ‘job’ of a neck cream is.  Meaning, what it is and what it must do to work well…

    What Neck Creams Have to Accomplish to Work Well

    All too often we see companies advertising a "miracle" neck cream that you can allegedly just apply and get instant results. Unfortunately, it took time to cause your neck wrinkles and lines to appear, and it will take time, and the right treatments, to reduce them.

    First Things First, A Neck Cream Must Repair Damage

    First, your neck cream needs to be capable of repairing existing damage to your skin while also promoting the production of more collagen. If this doesn't happen then you can only expect your results to be temporary, at best. Reducing or eliminating neck wrinkles is the goal, and repair is the first step.

    Next, We Must Hydrate

    Next up your neck cream will need to fully hydrate the skin in your décolletage area, while also helping it to relax. We won't waste your time by explaining why keeping your skin hydrated is important, but a product capable of helping your skin to "relax" can make a dramatic difference in the results you see.

    Finally, You Need to Nourish the Skin with Vitamins

    Whatever neck cream you decide to use should also be capable of nourishing your skin with much-needed vitamins, especially Vitamins C and E. Not only are these vitamins effective in helping to repair and tighten damaged and sagging skin, but they're also 100% natural, so there are no potential side effects.

    The other thing to remember is that although cosmetic treatments have come a long way in the last decade alone, it can still take several weeks for you to experience visible results. It took time for your skin to suffer the ravages of time and environmental damage, so it pays to demonstrate a little patience when trying to undo that damage.


    Let's Bring it All Together – This is How to Keep Your Neck Looking Smooth & Wrinkle Free

    The human body is a finely tuned machine that is perfectly capable of repairing whatever damage we do to it, within reason. The first place to start with keeping your skin glowing, firm and youthful looking is to get enough sleep each night.

    Step 1:  Get Enough Sleep!

    Your body needs rest to repair whatever cellular damage was caused to it that day - that's why you feel so rejuvenated after a great night's sleep.  So, when you hear various "lifestyle hacking" experts advising to only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep each night, just realize that's simply not enough time for your body to heal itself, and your skin tone will suffer as a result. In fact, your overall health will suffer as well. We have natural sleeping patterns called "circadian rhythms" for a reason - they're designed to keep us operating at peak efficiency.

    Step 2:  Diet

    Next up is diet. You can't expect to live on junk food and look healthy - it's a nice idea, but it's just not possible. Your diet should focus on foods that are rich in alpha hydroxy acids and essential fats, such as salmon, berries, mangos, apples, sugar cane, and grapes, to name just a few. Basically, cut out all processed foods, fast food and anything that's soaked in unhealthy fats - your body and energy levels will thank you for it.

    Step 3:  Gentle Neck Exercises to Tone

    Exercise the neck.  Do some basic neck stretches and exercises while flexing the superficial fascia to keep it tight.  Remember to be extremely cautious not to injure this very important part of your body.

    Staying properly hydrated and eating a healthy diet will always benefit your skin - our bodies are 85% water, so doing anything you can to keep your hydration levels maximized, while nourishing your body with vitamin and mineral rich foods, is always a good move.

    But all the above steps can only take you so far on your journey to dealing with your neck lines and wrinkles. What you also need is a range of products designed with the sole purpose of making your neck look and feel younger.

    Step 4:  Use a Neck & Décolletage Cream Designed with You in Mind

    The rose appears in skincare products in multiple forms, from standard extracts and essential oils to cutting-edge stem cells, and each offers its own benefits. Rose extract and essential oil are often valued for their aromas reputed to have soothing and refreshing benefits, while the essential oil also has hydrating properties. There’s also rosehip oil, which “contains a high content of unsaturated essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and E.” It’s highly moisturizing and replenishes dry, stressed skin, helping it to feel more elastic, firm, and hydrated. We use the flower in a variety of products, including: Wash, scrub, masks, shampoo, conditioner, serum, and the ultimate rose stem cell peptide cream.

    Chemists at Private Label Skincare Florida, rely on rosewater, rose essential oil, rose extract, rose stem cell, and rose active and they’ve recently introduced 8 products with rose stem cells, says Michael Estey, president and Chris Estey, CEO. When research showed that Alpine rose stem cells helped slow or delay the aging process, they decided to incorporate them into the line. “We chose to use Alpine rose stem cells, because they protect the skin from damage that comes from UV exposure,” he says. “They’re more intense than an extract or an essential oil.”, Alpine rose’s ability to survive in a rugged climate proved to be a draw,” “It has to have properties that help it through the extreme heat and extreme cold in the Alps,” he says. “it also enables the skin to reproduce its own new cells.”

    For that reason, we chose to incorporate this formula into our neck and décolleté cream, with the addition of a good SPF to help, with further damage from UV and blue light damage, along with other super ingredients especially addressed to the thinner neck skin. 

    Call us today to get an appointment to put this brave new cutting-edge product into your line to target the problem facing every woman over the age of 40, 


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